i'm positively pregnant!

after several days, more than one week, i have headache every morning and evening. And NOW, i know the answer.

i'm positively pregnant.

alhamdulillah, ya Allah..
Thanks GOD..

I surely believe that God always have a beautiful story for my husband and i.
Thank you for your blessing, GOD.
i'm spechless.
you give everything we need.

you give my husband to love me everytime..
you give me "dear baby will be"to be loved by us..

i do love my happy family.

i love you so much my husband;)

1 Response to "i'm positively pregnant!"

  1. I am Me says:
    11 April 2011 pukul 18.14

    hepi for u dear.... ^^


    p.s kau belum follow blog aku keciik!

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